Momentum Executive & Personal Coaching

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I'm Still Reading

Tracey Grove spends time considering GRATITUDE and its importance to our well-being. "An attitude of gratitude improves psychological health, increasing happiness, and reducing depression." 

This spring, my life was topsy turvey with transition and change. A cross-country move to a new city was pending, shelter in place for COVID19 had begun, my husband was sharing my office space, a college age daughter was suddenly home, unhappy by her inability to return to the university she loved, and my business was forced to pivot overnight to a new virtual reality. It was a lot to process. 

Needing to burn steam, I started running. Every day I found new things for which to be grateful. A bird was singing, a beautiful day, my health, my relationships, my children, the sun, and a violin being played somewhere in the neighborhood. My gratitude practice carried me through those scary months of upheaval. Gratitude calmed my anxiety and allowed me to be present for clients, family, and friends. It also allowed me to start looking forward, making plans, and seeing new possibilities. #traceygrove #coaching #executivecoaching#mmtmcoach